Farm Progress
Farm Progress is the publisher of 22 agricultural and ranching magazines. The company dates back nearly 200 years. Farm Progress Companies is owned by Penton Media.
Farm Progress has the oldest known continuously published magazine with Prairie Farmer, which was launched in 1841. The company publishes 18 regional magazines with local coverage of each agricultural community. Annually, Farm Progress produces four farm shows including the Farm Progress Show, which launched in 1953.
The company currently known as "Farm Progress" started in 1819 with the American Farmer magazine. Prairie Farmer started in 1841, followed by Wallaces Farmer in 1855, which helped chronicle the vast changes in Iowa agriculture as well as providing information to help farmers trim costs and boost profits. Three generations of the Wallace family; Henry Cantwell Wallace, Henry A. Wallace, and Henry Browne Wallace, owned and operated Wallaces' Farmer, which was then a newspaper.
The Farm Progress affiliate Prairie Farmer purchased radio station WLS from Sears in 1928 and operated it primarily as a service to farmers. The station moved to the Prairie Farmer Building on West Washington Street in Chicago, Illinois where it remained for 32 years.