Fallout shelter

A fallout shelter is an enclosed space specially designed to protect occupants from radioactive debris or fallout resulting from a nuclear explosion. Many such shelters were constructed as civil defense measures during the Cold War.

During a nuclear explosion, matter vaporized in the resulting fireball is exposed to neutrons from the explosion, absorbs them, and becomes radioactive. When this material condenses in the rain, it forms dust and light sandy materials that resembles ground pumice. The fallout emits alpha and beta particles, as well as gamma rays.

Much of this highly radioactive material falls to earth, subjecting anything within the line of sight to radiation, becoming a significant hazard. A fallout shelter is designed to allow its occupants to minimize exposure to harmful fallout until radioactivity has decayed to a safer level.


During the Cold War, many countries built fallout shelters for high-ranking government officials and crucial military facilities, such as Project Greek Island and Cheyenne Mountain nuclear bunker in the United States and Canada's Emergency Government Headquarters. Plans were made, however, to use existing buildings with sturdy below-ground-level basements as makeshift fallout shelters. These buildings were usually placarded with the yellow and black trefoil sign.

Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter is a free-to-play mobile simulation video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios, with assistance by Behaviour Interactive, and published by Bethesda Softworks. Part of the Fallout series, it was released worldwide for iOS devices on June 14, 2015, and for Android devices on August 13, 2015. The game tasks the player with building and managing their own Vault, a fallout shelter.

Upon release, Fallout Shelter received mostly positive reviews. Critics enjoyed the game's extension of the Fallout universe, the core gameplay, and its visual style. Common criticisms included the game's lack of depth, its use of unnecessary microtransactions, and its lack of an ending. The game has grossed $5.1 million in microtransaction sales in the first two weeks after the release.


In Fallout Shelter, players build and manage their own Vault as an overseer – the leader and coordinator of their vault. Players guide and direct the citizens of the Vault, and need to keep them happy through meeting their needs such as power, food, and water. They rescue dwellers from the wasteland and assign them to different resource-generating buildings in the vault, using the SPECIAL statistics system from the other Fallout games. Each character's SPECIAL profile affects their ability to generate different resources, and their statistics can be increased by training them in rooms devoted to each stat. The dwellers can level up over time, increasing their health, and can be given new items and weapons to help with various tasks. The number of dwellers can be increased by waiting for new dwellers from the wasteland to arrive, or by pairing a male and a female dweller in living quarters to produce babies.



Fallout Shelter

by: Feelers

I turn the knife in the ground that lets me in
I watch the ground open up at let me in
I want the world to just let me win
Fallout shelter
All the love in the world that keeps us in
Imagine Lennon
Your fear is not the only one
No, you're not the only one
Why does I ask these questions when I know those lies
Why don't I take the thorn out of your side
Why can't I see the truth behind your eyes
Fallout shelter
All the love in the world that keeps us in
Imagine Lennon
Your fear is not the only one
Fallout shelter
All the love in the world that keeps us in
Imagine Lennon
Your fear is not the only one
No John, you're not the only one
You know you're not the only one
Lennon, you're not the only one
You're not the only one
Why can't I walk the streets and feel I'm safe
Why can't I speak my mind without the grief
Why do I have to hide inside my beliefs
Fallout shelter
All the love in the world that keeps us in
Imagine Lennon
Your fear is not the only one
Fallout shelter
All the love in the world that keeps us in
Imagine Lennon
Your fear is not the only one
No John, you're not the only one
You know you're not the only one
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

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