Falisci (Ancient Greek: Φαλίσκοι) is the ancient Roman exonym for an Italic people who lived in what was then Etruria, on the Etruscan side of the Tiber River. The region is now entirely Lazio. They spoke an Italic language, Faliscan, closely akin to Latin. Originally a sovereign state, politically and socially they supported the Etruscans, joining the Etruscan League. This conviction and affiliation led to their ultimate near destruction and total subjugation by Rome.
Only one instance of their own endonym has been found to date: an inscription from Falerii Novi from the late 2nd century AD refers to the falesce quei in Sardinia sunt, "the Faliscans who are in Sardinia", where falesce is the nominative plural case. An Etruscan inscription calls them the feluskeś. The Latin cannot be far different from the original name. The -sc- suffix is "distinctive of the Italic ethnonyms".
The Falisci resided in a region called by the Romans the Ager Faliscus, "Faliscan Country", located on the right bank of the Tiber River between and including Grotta Porciosa in the north and Capena in the south. To the west, the corners of the roughly square area were on the slopes of the Monti Sabatini in the south and the Monti Cimini in the north. Pollen samples from Lago di Bracciano, Lago di Monterosi and Lago di Vico reveal that the montane forests were oak and were very dense until the 2nd century BC.
You were the sunshine, baby Whenever you smiled But I
call you Stormy todayAll of a sudden That ole rain's
fallin' down And my world is cloudy and gray You've gone
awayOh Stormy, Stormy, Stormy, Stormy Bring back that
sunny dayYesterday's love Was like a warm summer breeze
But, just like the weather you changed Now things are
dreary, baby And it's windy and cold And I stand alone in
the rain And I'm callin' your nameYeah Stormy, Stormy,
Stormy, Stormy Bring back that sunny dayOh, my storm Come
on back and storm Come on back and bring back that sun
againI need you Stormy, Stormy, Stormy Stormy Bring it
back, bring that sunny day, bring that sunny day Bring