Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista (FET y de las JONS) (English: Traditionalist Spanish Phalanx of the Committees of the National Syndicalist Offensive) was the sole legal party of the Francoist dictatorship in Spain. It emerged in 1937 of the merger of the Carlist Party with the Falange Española de las JONS, and was dissolved in 1977 by Adolfo Suárez's government.
With the eruption of the Civil War in July 1936, the Falange fought on the Nationalist side against the Second Spanish Republic. Expanding rapidly from several thousand to several hundred thousand, the Falange's male membership was accompanied by a female auxiliary, the Sección Femenina. Led by José Antonio's sister Pilar, this latter subsidiary organization claimed more than a half million members by the end of the war and provided nursing and support services for the Nationalist forces.
Falange is the name of a political party whose ideology is Falangism.
Falange primarily refers to:
Falange may also refer to other fascist-type political parties: