Latifa or Lateefa is a female Arabic first name which means gentle, pleasant or cute, corresponding to Latif. It may refer to:
Latifa Bint Alaya El Arfaoui (Tunisian Arabic: لطيفه بنت عليه العرفاوي pronunciation: [ɫɑˈt̪ˤiːfæ bɪnt ʕælɛi̯jæ (e)l.ʕɑrˤˈfɛːwi]) (born February 14, 1968), better known as Latifa (لطيفة), is a Tunisian pop singer, Latifa standing for gentle in Tunisian Arabic.
Latifa Bint Alayah El Arfaoui was born in Manouba, Tunisia.
In 1983, shortly after her father died, Latifa and her family took a trip to Egypt to rest and mourn. During that time, she met composer Baleegh Hamdi, who advised her that she ought to move to Egypt for the sake of her career. However Latifa wanted to concentrate on her education. She returned to Tunisia to finish her high school final exams. Due to financial issues, she couldn't go back to Egypt, so she attended college in Tunisia, studying Dutch literature for a year and a half. Her family decided to help her make her dream come true by sending her to Egypt, so she quit college in Tunisia and joined the Arab Academy of Music in Egypt, from which she earned her bachelor degree. She is preparing for her master's degree.
Faker may refer to:
Faker was an Australian alternative rock band, formed in Sydney in 1996. The band's final line-up consisted of Nathan Hudson (lead vocals and guitar), Nicholas Munnings (guitar and backing vocals), Liam O'Brien (bass guitar) and Daniel Wright (drums).
The band released three studio albums. Faker's first studio album Addicted Romantic, was released in 2005. Prior to that, the band played multiple local gigs, and also released two EPs. In 2007, Faker became a mainstream success with their second album, Be the Twilight, and went on to continue touring nationally. Get Loved, their third album, was a digital-only free release, delivered in December 2011.
Faker is a six-issue comic book limited series that started in July 2007 by Vertigo, written by Mike Carey, art by Jock.
Minnesota college students Jessica, Yvonne, Marky and Sack are at a party when an ex-girlfriend of Marky's slips a bottle of "Angel's Kiss" into their drinks. Angel's Kiss turns out to be an experimental medium for liquid data storage. Shortly afterwards, a friend of the four students, Nick Philo, turns up in their dorm. After a bizarre series of events, all five come to realize that "Nick", though possessing a physical body, isn't real at all, but is a creation of their minds under the influence of Angel's Kiss.
The five are then abducted by the United States government, the creators of Angel's Kiss, who are now extremely interested in its potential for weapons research as well as data storage. Jessie leads her friends on a breakout of the installation at which they are being held captive, but falls into an entire vat of Angels Kiss in the process; she emerges transformed in some unknown manner. On the run in the open country, Marky and Yvonne are shot and killed by the soldiers pursuing them. Nick dives into a rural reservoir, and his body dissolves, apparently contaminating all the local drinking water with Angel's Kiss. Jessie ultimately escapes but, returning to her old life, finds herself constantly drinking tap water, in the hope of recreating at least part of the reality of Nick's existence.