Fading West
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1 2 3 4 5
We were just kids just living in
Wide-eyed, innocence minivan floor like a tenement
We were just kids who believed in
More than just dreams in
More than just justified
Ends to a means
With the sky wide-open
Like a child, eyes-open like a child, unbroken by the wheels gone by
We know
Who we are x3
(in the fever of our youth)
(We've got nothing left to lose)
(There's still time enough to choose)
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1 2 3 4 5
We were just kids
Just limited, misfit, itinerant
Outcasts singing bout the dissonance
We were just kids, wide-open
Like a child, eyes-open,
Like a child, unbroken by the wheels gone by
We know Who we are
Who we are x6
(in the fever of our youth)
(We've got nothing left to lose)
(There's still time enough to choose)
They said it's complicated
They said we'd never make it this far
But we are
They said the fight would break us
But the struggle helped to make
Who we are x2
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Who we are x20
(in the fever of our youth)
(We've got nothing left to lose)
(There's still time enough to choose)
(I wanted something with meaning)
(Who we are(Yeah I wanted something to believe in)
(Yeah, sure as I'm here breathing)
(I wanted more)
(Yeah, I wanted more)
(Yeah, I wanted more than just a feeling)
(Yeah, for more than just a season)
(Yeah, we become what we believe in)