Fading Parade
Baby baby where do you want to go
This town is cursed I know the ghosts
Hang brighter than the lights black
Trees spiral down the road you know
Even in my dreams are doubts but I
Don't wanna turn you out and I don't
Feel that bad anymore when you
Dance on the kitchen floor oh can't
We just go out, do you really wanna
Know I just don't know right now if I
Love you so but you don't look so bad
In the grass in the sun I don't mind I
Don't mind if it's all an illusion Juliette
Put the wig into the drawer and sing
Along to the radio out of tune and
Slow oh can't we just go out, do you
Really wanna know I just don't know
Right now if I love you so but you
Don't look so bad in the grass in the
Sun I don't mind I don't mind if it's all
An illusion