Fable is a literary genre: a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, mythical creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that are anthropomorphized (given human qualities, such as verbal communication) and that illustrates or leads to an interpretation of a moral lesson (a "moral"), which may at the end be added explicitly as a pithy maxim.
A fable differs from a parable in that the latter excludes animals, plants, inanimate objects, and forces of nature as actors that assume speech or other powers of humankind.
Usage has not always been so clearly distinguished. In the King James Version of the New Testament, "μῦθος" ("mythos") was rendered by the translators as "fable" in the First Epistle to Timothy, the Second Epistle to Timothy, the Epistle to Titus and the First Epistle of Peter.
A person who writes fables is a fabulist.
The fable is one of the most enduring forms of folk literature, spread abroad, modern researchers agree, less by literary anthologies than by oral transmission. Fables can be found in the literature of almost every country.
Fable is a PC point and click adventure game developed by Simbiosis Interactive, which was the company's only release. It was published in North America by Sir-Tech and internationally by Telstar Electronic Studios.
Fable runs on MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows, featuring SVGA graphics (DirectX in the Windows 95 version) and full voice-acting. The game has a minimalist user interface, showing only the cursor (which displays the current verb selected for use) and descriptive text.
The game follows the standard point-and-click adventure game formula of controlling the player using the mouse, whilst avoiding the need to display a list of verbs on-screen. Moving the mouse cursor over an object or person changes the cursor icon to represent a verb. (Use, Talk, etc.) Left-clicking will perform the action displayed, whereas right-clicking will cycle through other verbs relevant to whatever the cursor is pointing at.
The plot follows Quickthorpe (the protagonist) attempting to complete a quest given to him by the priest of his village. He is to obtain four mystical gemstones said to have control over a part of nature. The priest tells Quickthorpe that he wishes to destroy the gems, as this will supposedly make the world fully habitable by the people of his village again. In order to obtain each gemstone. Quickthorpe must kill a creature acting as the gem's guardian.
A fable is a story intended to illustrate a moral.
Fable or Fables may also refer to:
(M. Luberti - R. Cocciante)
Un sorriso di pi?
O una lacrima in pi?
Mentre il tempo vola
Prima il bene e poi il male
Poi lo zucchero e il sale
Seccano la gola.
E comincia cosi la mia recita
Salto fuori di questa mia scatola
E la mia faccia ride gi?.
Baster? che io suoni un'armonica
Per riempire ogni cosa di musica
E tutto quando passer?.
Oggi? festa se vuoi per consolarci
E festa se vuoi per aiutarci a cambiare la realt?.
Un giorno di pi?
E anche un giorno di meno
Perch? il tempo vola
Il silenzio fa male
Ma anche troppe parole
Seccano la gola.
Se la vita mi sembra un po' stupida
Tolgo un asso da questa mia manica
E tutto quanto cambier?.
Se ogni giorno mi sembra pi? inutile
Ballo fino a stancarmi anche l'anima
Che poi domani si vedr?.
Oggi? festa se vuoi per consolarci
? festa se vuoi per aiutarci a cambiare la realt?.
Per ognuno di noi c'? una maschera
Se nasconde un sorriso o una lacrima
Io non lo dico ma lo so