Newton's laws of motion

Newton's laws of motion are three physical laws that, together, laid the foundation for classical mechanics. They describe the relationship between a body and the forces acting upon it, and its motion in response to those forces. They have been expressed in several different ways, over nearly three centuries, and can be summarised as follows.

The three laws of motion were first compiled by Isaac Newton in his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), first published in 1687. Newton used them to explain and investigate the motion of many physical objects and systems. For example, in the third volume of the text, Newton showed that these laws of motion, combined with his law of universal gravitation, explained Kepler's laws of planetary motion.


Newton's laws are applied to objects which are idealised as single point masses, in the sense that the size and shape of the object's body are neglected to focus on its motion more easily. This can be done when the object is small compared to the distances involved in its analysis, or the deformation and rotation of the body are of no importance. In this way, even a planet can be idealised as a particle for analysis of its orbital motion around a star.

Fūma Kotarō

Fūma Kotarō (風魔 小太郎) was the name adopted by the leader of the ninja Fūma clan (風魔一党 Fūma-ittō) during the Sengoku era of feudal Japan. According to some records, his name was originally Kazama (風間).

The Fūma clan and Fūma Kotarō

The clan was based in Kanagawa Prefecture, specializing in horseback guerrilla warfare and naval espionage. According to some sources, the family has roots in the 10th century when they served Taira no Masakado in his revolt against the Kyoto government. The use of the name started with the first leader (jonin) of the clan: originally surnamed "風間" (Fūma), with a different kanji, it was later changed to homophone 風魔. Each subsequent leader of the school adopted the same name as its founder, making it difficult to identify them individually. This school was in the service of the Hōjō clan of Odawara.

Fūma Kotarō was the fifth and the best known of the Fūma clan leaders. Born in Sagami Province (modern Kanagawa Prefecture) on an unknown date, he became notorious as the leader of a band of 200 Rappa "battle disrupters", divided into four groups: brigands, pirates, burglars and thieves. Kotarō served under Hōjō Ujimasa and Hōjō Ujinao. His biggest achievement came in 1580, when the Fūma ninja covertly infiltrated and attacked a camp of the Takeda clan forces under Takeda Katsuyori at night, succeeding in causing severe chaos in the camp, which resulted in mass fratricide among the disoriented enemies. In 1590, Toyotomi Hideyoshi laid siege to Odawara Castle, which eventually fell, and the Hōjō clan was forced to surrender.




by: Laura Pausini

Non ho bisogno più di niente
Adesso che
Mi illumini dÂ’amore immenso fuori e dentro
Credimi se puoi
Credimi se vuoi
Credimi e vedrai non finirà mai
Ho desideri scritti in alto che volano
Ogni pensiero è indipendente dal mio corpo
Credimi se puoi
credimi perché
farei del male solo e ancora a me
Qui grandi spazi e poi noi
Cieli aperti che ormai
Non si chiudono più
C’è bisogno di vivere da qui
Vivimi senza paura
Che sia una vita o che sia unÂ’ora
Non lasciare libero o disperso
Questo mio spazio adesso aperto ti prego
Vivimi senza vergogna
Anche se hai tutto il mondo contro
Lascia lÂ’apparenza e prendi il senso
E Ascolta quello che ho qui dentro
Così diventi un grande quadro che dentro me
Ricopre una parete bianca un poÂ’ anche stanca
Credimi se puoi
Credimi perché
Farei del male solo e ancora a me
Qui tra le cose che ho
Ho qualcosa di più
Che non ho avuto mai
Hai bisogno di vivermi di più
Vivimi senza paura
Che sia una vita o che sia unÂ’ora
Non lasciare libero o disperso
Questo mio spazio adesso aperto, ti prego
Vivimi senza vergogna
Anche se hai tutto il mondo contro
Lascia lÂ’apparenza e prendi il senso
E ascolta quello che ho qui dentro
Hai aperto in me
La fantasia
Le attese i giorni di unÂ’illimitata gioia
Hai preso me
Sei la regia
Mi inquadri e poi mi sposti in base alla tua idea
Vivimi senza paura
Anche se hai tutto il mondo contro
Lascia lÂ’apparenza e prendi il senso
