FUBAR is a 2002 mockumentary film, directed by Michael Dowse, based on the lives of two lifelong friends and head-bangers living out their lives, constantly drinking beer. FUBAR debuted at the Sundance Film Festival in the 'Park City at Midnight' category, which previously launched such films as The Blair Witch Project. Since its release, it has gained critical acclaim and a cult status in North America, but especially within Western Canada. It was both filmed and set in Alberta, particularly in and around Calgary.
It was filmed entirely with digital cinematography, on a shoestring budget that required many involved with the project to max out their credit cards in order to complete the movie (according to an interview on their official website). Many of the people featured in the movie (including the fist-fighters) were bystanders who thought that the filmmakers were shooting a documentary on the common man.
FUBAR features characters partly based on a comedy routine performed by David Lawrence and Paul Spence that they developed based on the head-banger subculture. David Lawrence, Paul Spence, and S.C. Lim also appear in Michael Dowse's movie, It's All Gone Pete Tong. (Dr. S.C. Lim plays himself in FUBAR as Dean's doctor. Lim actually is Michael Dowse's doctor.) The characters of Terry and Dean were later seen again, featured in the Michael Dowse-directed music video "The Slow Descent Into Alcoholism" by The New Pornographers.
Cruel reality
Wears away our will to live
All the world will look at me
And hold his breath too hear my speech
So when I leave this world unfair
They will cry for me and understand
I just can't find my way
Or meaning to my life
World will remember?
Not at all
And take my example?
Not at all
Am I wrong?
Yes! Because the world won't take example
From somebody who won't fight
For better days and hide away
Not facing problems in their life
To be alive is the best way
That we must show mankind
We want a better world for all
I ask all the world