FMSLogo is a free implementation of a computing environment called Logo, which is an educational interpreter language. GUI and Extensions were developed by George Mills at MIT. Its core is the same as UCBLogo by Brian Harvey. It is free software, with source available, written with Borland C++ and WxWidgets.
FMSLogo supports multiple turtles, and 3D Graphics. FMSLogo allows input from COM ports and LPT ports. FMSLogo also supports a windows interface thus I/O is available through this GUI- and keyboard and mouse events can trigger interrupts. Simple GIF animations may also be produced with the GIFSAVE command. Jim Muller wrote The Great Logo Adventure, a complete Logo manual using MSWLogo as the demonstration language.
MSWLogo has evolved into FMSLogo: An Educational Programming Environment, a free, open source implementation of the Logo programming language for Microsoft Windows. It is released under the GPL and is mainly developed and maintained by David Costanzo.
FMSLogo has following support of various functionality: