The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS Church) is one of the largest Mormon fundamentalist denominations and one of the largest organizations in the United States whose members practice polygyny. The FLDS Church emerged in the early twentieth century when its founding members left The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). The split occurred largely because of the LDS Church's suspension of the practice of polygamy and its decision to excommunicate its members who would continue the practice.
The FLDS Church is estimated to have 6,000 to 10,000 members residing in the sister cities of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Arizona; Eldorado, Texas; Westcliffe, Colorado;Mancos, Colorado; Creston and Bountiful, British Columbia; and Pringle, South Dakota. There are also developing communities near Benjamín Hill, Sonora (south of Nogales in the state of Sonora);Ensenada, Baja California (south of Tijuana); and Boise City, Oklahoma.
Hay que linda vecindad
Es la vecindad del chavo(del chavo!)
No valdra ni un centavo (no vale ni mierda!)
Pero es linda de verdad (de verdad!)
Hay que linda vecindad(vecindad!)
Es la vecindad del chavo(del chavo!)
No valdra ni un centavo (no vale ni mierda!)
Pero es linda de verdad (de verdad!)
Don ramoooooon
ya pagale la renta a ese gordo maricon
o gooordo panzon deja en paz a don ramon
y anda a comprarte una torta de jamon