The FIAPF (Fédération Internationale des Associations de Producteurs de Films; English: International Federation of Film Producers Associations) based in Paris, created in 1933, is an organization composed with 30 member associations from 27 of the leading audiovisual production countries. FIAPF is also in charge of regulating international film festivals, including some of the world's most important ones.


FIAPF helps producers formulate policies and coordinate political action in these key areas:

  • Copyright and related intellectual property rights' legislation
  • Enforcement of IPR legislation and anti-piracy action
  • Deployment of digital technologies and their impact on the audiovisual value chain
  • Technology standardization process
  • Media regulation
  • Private and public sector film financing mechanisms
  • Trade-related issues
  • Members

  • Asociación General de Productores Cinematográficos (Argentina)
  • Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (Argentina)
  • Screen Producers Association of Australia (Australia)
  • Podcasts:
