FEniCS Project
The FEniCS Project is a collection of free, open source, software components with the common goal to enable automated solution of differential equations. The components provide scientific computing tools for working with computational meshes,
finite element variational formulations of ordinary and partial differential equations, and numerical linear algebra.
Design and components
The FEniCS Project is designed as an umbrella project for a collection of interoperable components. The core components are
UFL (Unified Form Language), a domain-specific language embedded in Python for specifying finite element discretizations of differential equations in terms of finite element variational forms;
FIAT (Finite element Automatic Tabulator), a Python module for generation of arbitrary order finite element basis functions on simplices;
FFC (FEniCS Form Compiler), a compiler for finite element variational forms taking UFL code as input and generating UFC output;
UFC (Unified Form-assembly Code), a C++ interface consisting of low-level functions for evaluating and assembling finite element variational forms;