In genetics, rs6313 also called T102C or C102T is a gene variation—a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)—in the human HTR2A gene that codes for the 5-HT2A receptor. The SNP is a synonymous substitution located in exon 1 of the gene where it is involved in coding the 34th amino acid as serine.
As 5-HT2A is a neuroreceptor the SNP has been investigated in connection with brain functions and neuropsychiatric disorders, and it is perhaps the most investigated SNP for its gene. Two other SNPs in HTR2A have also received much attention: rs6311 and His452Tyr (rs6314). The T102C polymorphism has been shown to be in complete linkage disequilibrium with the rs6311 (A-1438G). A less well investigated SNP of this gene is rs7997012.
Meta-analyses seem to indicate that the SNP is not directly associated with schizophrenia, not with Alzheimer's Disease, and two initial studies seem to indicate that it is not associated with Parkinson's Disease.
There have been multiple studies of the effect of this SNP on clozapine treatment response in schizophrenia. A meta-analysis published in 1998 found an association.
Fa or FA may refer to:
In J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, fëa and hröa are words for "soul" (or "spirit") and "body". The plural form of fëa is fëar (pronounced [ˈfɛ.ar]) and the plural form of hröa is hröar (pronounced [ˈrɔ.ar]). (The words are also spelt fea and hroa because the spellings ëa, öa, where they occur, are only meant to remind people used to English orthography that the two vowels should not be drawn together in speech as in English "sea" or "load")
The Children of Ilúvatar (Elves and Men) are described as existing as two parts: they have a "spirit" or "soul" called fëa, and a body or hröa which is made out of the matter of Arda (erma); for this reason hröar are Marred (or, using another expression by Tolkien himself, contain a "Melkoringredient"), and this explains also why it was easier for Melkor and his servants to seduce Men rather than Elves, because mannish fëar have much less control of their hröar. According to the Elves, the fëa is powerless without the hröa, and likewise the hröa would die without the fëa.
F♯ A♯ ∞ (pronounced "F-sharp, A-sharp, Infinity") is the debut album of the Canadian post-rock band Godspeed You! Black Emperor. It was released twice, first in 1997 by Constellation Records and then again on 8 June 1998, by Kranky as an expanded edition that ran for 63:27. The album is devoid of traditional lyrics and mostly instrumental, featuring lengthy songs segmented into movements and wide dynamics.
The album was recorded at the Hotel2Tango in the Mile End of Montreal. It was initially released in very limited quantities, and was mainly distributed through live performances and advertised by word of mouth.
In 1995, Mauro Pezzente moved into a loft with his then-girlfriend in the Mile End of Montreal. Pezzente used the flat as a performance venue, dubbing it the Gallery Quiva. Around 1996, fumes from the mechanic's garage below the loft forced them to vacate it. Shortly after their departure, Efrim Menuck moved into the space and established Hotel2Tango, serving both as a recording studio and practice space. There, in 1997, the original recording of F♯ A♯ ∞ took place. By this time, the band had reached an unwieldy 15 members. In preparation of the album, they trimmed their numbers to ten.