A fête or fete is an elaborate festival, party or celebration. In Britain, fetes are traditional public festivals, held outdoors and organized to raise funds for a charity. They typically include entertainment and the sale of goods and refreshments.
Village fêtes are common in Britain. These are usually outdoor shows held on village greens or recreation grounds with a variety of activities. They are organised by an ad hoc committee of volunteers from organisations like religious groups or residents' associations. In Australia, fêtes are often held yearly by schools and sometimes churches to raise funds.
Attractions seen at village fêtes include tombolas, raffles, coconut shies, bat a rat stalls, white elephant stalls, cakes, and home produce such as jams and pickles. Entertainment may include Morris dancing, tug of war, fancy dress and pet shows. The American and Canadian equivalent would be a county or city fair.
Harvard University's Eliot House uses the term to refer to its spring formal. In Trinidad and Tobago and other English-speaking Caribbean territories, fêtes are huge parties held during the Carnival season. Bloomington, Minnesota's, Independence Day celebration (traditionally held on the 3rd of July) has been known as Summer Fete since 1978.
Tunnel seems so long
Touching the bottom
A slim reflexion
Punctured my vision
I didn't notice
Beside the last door
Standing on nothing
There was a mirror
Even inside... scrutinized
I am, he is, the face I hate
Refracting cells and prismed self
Who's X who's y in a blank place
I can't believe this is my image
Like the mirror without a frame
Baring a scarred side
Open in daylight
Recoil and reply
Farside of my pride
The introspection
Ruptures the blood core
Draws out the mirror
Seeking me out
What will he find?
I am, he is, a repugnant state
I can't shake this curiosity
My privacy starts to fade
I can't believe this is my image
Like the mirror
A polar exchange
He gloating over my fleeting image
He used to be me
He knows who is free
How long will I wait... here
Stuck in this void place... here
I can't believe I am the immage
Within the mirror
Into the chrome lake
The glass is broken