
An explosion is a rapid increase in volume and release of energy in an extreme manner, usually with the generation of high temperatures and the release of gases. Supersonic explosions created by high explosives are known as detonations and travel via supersonic shock waves. Subsonic explosions are created by low explosives through a slower burning process known as deflagration. When caused by a man-made device such as an exploding rocket or firework, the audible component of an explosion is referred to as its "report" (which can also be used as a verb, e.g., "the rocket reported loudly upon impact".)



Explosions can occur in nature. Most natural explosions arise from volcanic processes of various sorts. Explosive volcanic eruptions occur when magma rising from below has much dissolved gas in it; the reduction of pressure as the magma rises causes the gas to bubble out of solution, resulting in a rapid increase in volume. Explosions also occur as a result of impact events and in phenomena such as hydrothermal explosions (also due to volcanic processes). Explosions can also occur outside of Earth in the universe in events such as supernova. Explosions frequently occur during bushfires in eucalyptus forests where the volatile oils in the tree tops suddenly combust.

Explode (album)

Explode is the fourth full-length studio album by the American streetpunk band, The Unseen, released on June 3, 2003.

Track listing

  • "False Hope"
  • "Your Failure Is My Revenge"
  • "Explode"
  • "Don't Look Back"
  • "Negative Outlook"
  • "Tsunami Suicide"
  • "So Sick Of You"
  • "Remains Unseen"
  • "Fed Up"
  • "Useless Regrets"
  • "Victims"
  • "New World Disorder"
  • References


    ex.plode.us was a website search engine that indexed people. It was created by Curverider, the creators of the Elgg social networking platform. Ex.plode.us aggregated social data from 43 Things, flickr, jaiku, Live Journal, tribe.net, Twitter, and YouTube.

    Initially launched as Explode! in February 2007 as purely a social network aggregation utility and widget it was re-launched in May 2007 as a people search engine.

    In August 2007 a Facebook version was released, taking advantage of the recently opened Facebook API. However, the Facebook application did not allow ex.plode.us to aggregate information from Facebook.

    In February 2008 a discussion on tribe.net dominated by tribe users who voiced privacy concerns resulted in tribe.net blocking ex.plode.us from accessing tribe users' FOAF data. Individuals who were users of both ex.plode.us and tribe.net lost a great deal of their network on ex.plode.us.

    As of February 2010, ex.plode.us no longer exists.

    It had hacked into some YouTube users accounts to get the 'sign up name' to display with the 'user name'. Google still has searches related to this hacking.

