Wayne Ford Levy, known by his stage name Exco Levi, is a Toronto-based reggae musician.
Levi was introduced to producer Donovan Germain by Richie Stephens, and the two began working together. He has also worked with German producers Silly Walks.
His track "Bleaching Shop" won the Juno Award for Reggae Recording of the Year in 2012. He won the award again in 2013 with "Storms of Life" and for a third time in 2014 for "Strive". In 2015 he won for a fourth time, for "Welcome the King".
In December 2014 he performed at Sting, and in January 2015 he was on the bill of Rebel Salute.
He smiles when she's not looking
She daydreams when he's not there
It won't be long 'til they discover
Ron and Hermione love each other
He looks at her, she looks at him
And they start to feel the magic within
While Harry is fighting he-who-must-not-be-named
They talk of the latest quidditch game
Someday you'll read
*Maybe in The Daily Prophet*
'bout Ron and Hermione
*Behind the Whomping Willow*
Death Eaters can try to fight
*But you know that Ron would save her*
They'd go riding into the night
*On Ron's new cleansweep*
They'd go riding into the night
He smiles when she's not looking
She daydreams when he's not there
It won't be long 'til they discover
Ron and Hermione love each other
If Hermione knew the Patronus Charm
The conjured incarnation would be Ron
Voldermort is sound; he cannot die
When she's in danger Ron yells Stupify
Someday you'll read
*Maybe in The Daily Prophet*
'bout Ron and Hermione
*Behind the Whomping Willow*
Death Eaters can try to fight
*But you know that Ron would save her*
They'd go riding into the night
*On Ron's new cleansweep*
They'd go riding into the night
He smiles when she's not looking
She daydreams when he's not there
It won't be long 'til they discover
Ron and Hermione love each other
They'd go riding into the night