ExPASy is a bioinformatics resource portal operated by the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) and in particular the SIB Web Team. It is an extensible and integrative portal accessing many scientific resources, databases and software tools in different areas of life sciences. Scientists can henceforth access seamlessly a wide range of resources in many different domains, such as proteomics, genomics, phylogeny/evolution, systems biology, population genetics, transcriptomics, etc. The individual resources (databases, web-based and downloadable software tools) are hosted in a decentralised way by different groups of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and partner institutions. Specifically, a single web portal provides a common entry point to a wide range of resources developed and operated by many different SIB groups and external institutions. The portal features a search function across selected resources. Internally, the availability and usage of resources are monitored. The portal is aimed for both expert users and for people that are not familiar with a specific domain in life sciences: in particular, the new Web interface provides visual guidance for newcomers to ExPASy.

History [link]

Originally, ExPASy was called ExPASy (Expert Protein Analysis System) and acted as a proteomics server to analyze protein sequences and structures and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-D Page electrophoresis).[1]. Among others, ExPASy references the protein sequence knowledgebase, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, and its computer annotated supplement, UniProtKB/Trembl.[citation needed]

ExPASy was the first website of the life sciences.

As of 5 April 2007 (2007 -04-05), ExPASy has been consulted 1 billion times since its installation on 1 August 1993.[2]

References [link]

  1. ^ Gasteiger, E.; Gattiker, A; Hoogland, C; Ivanyi, I; Appel, RD; Bairoch, A (2003). "ExPASy: The proteomics server for in-depth protein knowledge and analysis". Nucleic Acids Research 31 (13): 3784–8. DOI:10.1093/nar/gkg563. PMC 168970. PMID 12824418. //www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=168970. 
  2. ^ ExPASy: SIB Bioinformatics Resource Portal

External links [link]




Ill Never Get Over You (getting Over Me)

by: Expose

I hear you're taking the town again,
Having a good time with all your good time friends
I don't think that you think of me
You're on your own now, and I'm alone and free
I know that I should get on with my life
But a life lived without you could never be right
As long as the stars shine down from the heavens,
Long as the rivers run to the sea,
I'll never get over you getting over me
I try to smile so the hurt won't show
Tell ev'rybody that I was glad to see you go
But the tears just won't go away (won't go away)
Loneliness found me, looks like it's here to stay
I know that I ought to find someone new
But all I find is myself always thinking of you
Oh, no matter what I do,
Each night's a lifetime to live through
I can't go on like this
I need your touch
You're the only one I've ever loved
Oh oh ah
And as long as the stars shine down from the heavens,
Long as the rivers run to the sea,
I'll never get over you getting over me
(I'll never get over you getting over)
Never get over you getting over
