The Range Rover Evoque is a compact luxury crossover SUV produced by the British manufacturer Land Rover, part of Tata's Jaguar Land Rover group. It has been produced since July 2011 in three and five-door versions, with both two-wheel and four-wheel drive. The Evoque is designed to appeal to urban buyers and meet requirements for lower CO2 emissions and fuel economy. The production vehicle is similar to the Land Rover LRX concept, which was unveiled at the North American International Auto Show in January 2008. The Evoque has been received positively by the automotive press for retaining the features, amenities, and off-road capabilities of a traditional Range Rover in a smaller package. Land Rover sold nearly 88,000 units of the Evoque in its first year of production.
The Evoque was developed from the LRX concept vehicle with the goal of producing a smaller more environmentally conscious vehicle. The size of the LRX complemented a wide array of efficiency improving technologies in the form of Land Rover’s e_Terrain technologies. These included biofuel compatibility, lightweight construction materials and technologies such as the removable carbon composite roof panels, regenerative brakes, a stop-start system, and the ERAD (electric rear axle drive) parallel hybrid powertrain system.
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