He checked the scores all evening, waiting out the cut, made it by a whisker — and then shot 77-81 on the weekend at TPC Sawgrass... up at the Valspar for a lengthy grind session Wednesday evening.
The formal event (black tie encouraged) begins with a cocktail hour at 6 p.m., with a charcuterie prelude and prime rib dinner to follow. In addition, the evening’s activities include a brief presentation, music, cash bar, silent auction and raffle ... .
That first year, it was “Bon Appetit, Bon Voyage.” The evening consisted of dinner, a dance and a raffle for a $5,000 travel voucher ... Topping the menu will be prime rib, and any left over at the end of the evening will be included in the auction.
... a beautiful experience that transcends the everyday, and provides something even beyond pleasure ... don’t let their gentle ribbing make you rethink or regret what sounds like a perfectly lovely evening.