
Eturnagaram is a village and a mandal in Warangal district in the state of Telangana in India.

Wildlife sanctuary

The mandal area is surrounded by a deep forest which includes a southern tropical dry deciduous type of teak and its associates including thiruman, maddi, and bamboo, while the fauna includes several endangered species including tiger, sloth bear, four-horned antelope, chinkara and black buck. It was declared a wildlife sanctuary in 1953 because of its bio-diversity. The sanctuary encompasses approximately 806 square kilometres (311 sq mi) in Warangal district. River Godavari also passes through the outskirts of the village.


The climate is usually hot round the year. The temperature often reaches 43°C during summer. There is a sufficient rainfall in the every year. The annual average rainfall is about 1000 mm





by: Sisters Of Mercy

We?ll turn away in a passive decision
We?ll take the steps through the unmarked door
A look back for another collision
But the boys of the spires are boys no more
Not black and red boys frightened by the night
By the catholic monochrome
The catholic girls now stark in their dark and white
Dread in monochrome
The Sisters Of Mercy, high tide, wide eyed
Sped on adrenochrome
For the sisters of mercy filled with panic in their eyes
Rise dead on adrenochrome
We had the power, we had the space
We had a sense of time and place
We knew the words, we knew the score
We knew what we were fighting for
For the freedom, the time to choose
But time to think is time to lose
The signals clash and disappear
The shade too loud and the sound unclear
For the high tide wide eyed
Dread in monochrome
Denied in spite
Disliked in monochrome
Panic in their eyes
Rise dead and monochrome
The Sisters Of Mercy
Spite on adrenochrome
The way is clear, the road is closed
