The coyote (US /kaɪˈoʊtiː/ or /ˈkaɪ.oʊt/, UK /kɔɪˈjoʊteɪ/, or /kɔɪˈjoʊt/;Canis latrans) is a canid native to North America. It is a smaller, more basal animal than its close relative, the gray wolf, being roughly the North American equivalent to the Old World golden jackal, though it is larger and more predatory in nature. It is listed as "least concern" by the IUCN, on account of its wide distribution and abundance throughout North America, even southwards through Mexico and Central America. It is a highly versatile species, whose range has expanded amidst human environmental modification. This expansion is ongoing, and it may one day reach South America, as shown by the animal's presence beyond the Panama Canal in 2013.As of 2005, 19 subspecies are recognized.
The ancestors of the coyote diverged from those of the gray wolf, 1–2 million years ago, with the modern species arising in North America during the Middle Pleistocene. It is highly flexible in social organization, living either in nuclear families or in loosely knit packs of unrelated individuals. It has a varied diet consisting primarily of animal matter, including ungulates, lagomorphs, rodents, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates, though it may also eat fruit and vegetable matter on occasion. It is a very vocal animal, whose most iconic sound consists of a howl emitted by solitary individuals.Humans aside, cougars and gray wolves are the coyote's only serious enemies. Nevertheless, coyotes have on occasion mated with the latter species, producing hybrids colloquially called "coywolves".
Apache Tomcat, often referred to as Tomcat, is an open-source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements several Java EE specifications including Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java EL, and WebSocket, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment for Java code to run in.
Tomcat is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation, released under the Apache License 2.0 license, and is open-source software.
Tomcat 4.x was released with Catalina (a servlet container), Coyote (an HTTP connector) and Jasper (a JSP engine).
Catalina is Tomcat's servlet container. Catalina implements Sun Microsystems' specifications for servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP). In Tomcat, a Realm element represents a "database" of usernames, passwords, and roles (similar to Unix groups) assigned to those users. Different implementations of Realm allow Catalina to be integrated into environments where such authentication information is already being created and maintained, and then use that information to implement Container Managed Security as described in the Servlet Specification.
Coyote (2002) is science fiction author Allen Steele’s novel of interstellar exploration and settlement. The book is a compilation of some of Steele’s short stories into one epic novel. Perspective is taken from many of the major characters of the book, giving Coyote a well-rounded and satisfying account of the colonization of a new world.
Coyote is part of a trilogy, that was followed by Coyote Rising and Coyote Frontier. There are three spinoff novels, Spindrift, Galaxy Blues, and Hex which are set in the same universe, although not directly tied to the events in Coyote. The series is continued by the Coyote Chronicles, a two book duology, including Coyote Horizon, released in March 2009 and Coyote Destiny, which was released on March 2, 2010.
The year is 2070, and the United Republic of America, the authoritarian conservative regime constructed after the fall of the United States, has built its first starship: the URSS Alabama. The welcoming celebration for Captain Robert E. Lee takes a sudden turn when Lee initiates his plan to steal the Alabama. Working with a handful of conspirators, Lee manages to take the ship by the helm and override the clearance codes. URS soldiers climb aboard to stop Lee, but they are too late. Not wishing to abandon their orders, Colonel Reese and the other soldiers become stowaways.
Eres tu quien ha dejado huellas del amor en mi solo calor
llegaste a mi, como paloma blanca tan sutil, a mi alma le brindó amor.
Acércate, abrázame más fuerte porque así sabré, lo que es vivir
en sueños cuando a solas pienso en ti, momentos tan feliz
con cada día espero la fe que tu calor dejo en mi.
Mujer, sabrás podré encontrar la dicha que el amor, por ti yo conocí
y se que no, encuentro amor igual como el que tu, amor sincero así, al fin.
Acércate, abrázame más fuerte porque así sabré, lo que es vivir
en sueños cuando a solas pienso en ti, momentos tan feliz
con cada día espero la fe que tu calor dejo en mi.
La dicha es inmensa ya, con los días que faltarán
yo de amor y más, intenso no puede ser, eyyy.
Acércate, tómame en tus brazos porque así sabré lo que es vivir....
(Ohhh abrázame y acércate a mi, eyyy).