The Chinese family name Mo (莫) is pronounced in Mandarin as "Mò" (4th tone), in Cantonese as "Mok6" (6th tone), in Hmong as "Moua", "Mua", or "Muas" and in Vietnamese as "Mạc". The surname is often romanized as Mok where Cantonese speakers are prominent. According to a study of Mu Ying's Name record, the surname came to be when descendants of the antediluvian ruler Zhuanxu abbreviated the name of his city, Moyangcheng (莫陽城; in modern-day Pingxiang County, Hebei) and took it as their surname.
As Chinese family names go, Mo is relatively rare, ranked 168th in the Hundred Family Surnames. In 2004, there were an estimated 73,000 people with the surname of Mo abroad and 1,540,000 Mo's in China.
When not used as a surname, 'Mo' (莫) means 'do not'.
Mok may refer to:
Tarkan Karaalioğlu (born 21 September 1976), better known as MOK, is a German rapper of Turkish descent. His name "MOK" means "Muzik oder Knast" ("Muzic or jail"). It was awarded to him by Berlin hip hopper Maxim. He is a member of rap crew Die Sekte. He got his own label at Sony BMG called Yo!Musix.
MOK is well known for his controversies with other German rappers, including Bushido, Kool Savas, and Farid Bang. During his career he released many diss tracks, but they did not receive much attention, so the others did not respond.
He was born in Berlin-Neukölln. MOK later joined the crew NHS. In 1994 he met the group Berlin Crime and he became a member of the crew. 1995 he left the crew and started again with graffiti.
His first rap tries were with ASEK of Kaosloge. At that time he met Mach One of Bassboxxx. MOK, Mach One and Tony D decide to record a track together and they formed the group "Die Echten".
On 12 September 2002, while recording his first album Neuköln Hustler, MOK was arrested by the Berlin police for gang activities and carrying a gun. Three months later he was transferred to Bavaria, where he waited eighteen months for his trial. He was sentenced to five years and six months. He was first held in the JVA Tegel in Berlin, but with the help of Aggro Berlin he was transferred to the open prison in Berlin-Plötzensee.
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