The word erudition came into Middle English from Latin. A scholar is erudite (Latin eruditus) when instruction and reading followed by digestion and contemplation have effaced all rudeness (e- (ex-) + rudis), that is to say smoothed away all raw, untrained incivility. Common usage has blurred the distinction from "learned" but the two terms are quite different.
Erudition is the depth, polish and breadth that education confers. The Latin word educāre means to bring out or train; hence an educated person has come to think critically and logically. An erudite person has both deep and broad familiarity with general subjects and is usually knowledgeable in a particular subject, by virtue of study and extensive reading of the subject's literature.
For example, a jurist is learned, and knows the law intimately and thoroughly. Thus, an erudite jurist has both deep, specific knowledge of the law, and broad knowledge in the form of social and historical context of law; an erudite jurist may additionally know the laws of other cultures. Erudition in a literary work incorporates knowledge and insights spanning many different fields. When such universal scholars are also at the forefront of several fields, they are sometimes called polyhistors or polymaths.
Instead of wasting your time telling us we suck
why don't you ask us if we give a fuck?
Cuz as far as we're concerned you've got no opinion
and we'll scream in your ear and wreck your fucking concentration
You say you've heard the same three chords before
anc coming to our shows is such a bore
We all smile and get that sensation
cuz it's great to be known as an irritation
Alternative? Alternative to what? I'd like to know
cuz you're convinced it sucks. If it ain't on the radio
that's all right. We don't want your face around here anyway