The approximation error in some data is the discrepancy between an exact value and some approximation to it. An approximation error can occur because
In the mathematical field of numerical analysis, the numerical stability of an algorithm in numerical analysis indicates how the error is propagated by the algorithm.
One commonly distinguishes between the relative error and the absolute error.
Given some value v and its approximation vapprox, the absolute error is
where the vertical bars denote the absolute value.
If the relative error is
and the percent error is
In words, the absolute error is the magnitude of the difference between the exact value and the approximation. The relative error is the absolute error divided by the magnitude of the exact value. The percent error is the relative error expressed in terms of per 100.
In baseball statistics, an error is an act, in the judgment of the official scorer, of a fielder misplaying a ball in a manner that allows a batter or baserunner to advance one or more bases or allows an at bat to continue after the batter should have been put out.
The term error can also refer to the play during which an error was committed.
An error does not count as a hit but still counts as an at bat for the batter unless, in the scorer's judgment, the batter would have reached first base safely but one or more of the additional base(s) reached was the result of the fielder's mistake. In that case, the play will be scored both as a hit (for the number of bases the fielders should have limited the batter to) and an error. However, if a batter is judged to have reached base solely because of a fielder's mistake, it is scored as a "hit on error," and treated the same as if a batter was put out, hence lowering his batting average.
An error is a mistake.
Error may also refer to:
Learn through silver, its cold to touch
wire and springs arent much for recollectionheart is schedualed and predictable,
but ive figured it out though its microscopic.
So catch me
so catch me if i fall into the ground
So catch me now
Endless knowledge though emotionless
conversation fails i know your in there
luminescence reflects my words but its neverending
gazing up
ingest the sunlight, and its gone
But where'd it go?
You can smile now
no ones looking
they wont believe you had i can see through the hard shell
a soft interior, you hide well and now its gone again
not complex circuitry
its what you cant see thats more recieving now
dont catch me
dont catch me when i fall into the ground
dont catch me now
gazing up
ingest the sunlight, and its here its everlasting
Hold still
They'll believe you
I know they will