Ernest Darby
Ernest Darby is a fictional character on the FX television series Sons of Anarchy, played by Mitch Pileggi. He is one of the show's early antagonists and is the leader of the Nordics, a White supremacist drug dealing street gang.
Darby is the leader of the Nordics, a White supremacist street gang who deal in methamphetamine, and lives in a large suburban home in Charming, Northern California. It is indicated that he had a prior romantic interest in Gemma Teller Morrow, despite her being of partial Jewish heritage and the wife of Sons of Anarchy leader Clay Morrow. He also served a prison sentence in Chino, before his release in 2008. As a legitimate business, he operates a finishing business in Charming, where he employs minorities despite his white supremacy views.
He has a number of tattoos, most notably a Swastika and the word 'NORDICS' in the center of his chest.
Season One
Ernest Darby was recently released from Chino at the beginning of the first season. He was called to a meeting with Clay Morrow and Jax Teller, the leaders of the Sons of Anarchy, after Teller found out that his ex-wife had been buying methamphetamine from a Nord in town. The SOA warned him not to sell drugs in Charming, and also gave him a pistol.