John Scotus Eriugena (/dʒoʊˈhæniːz, -ˈhænɪs/ /ˈskoʊtəsˌ ˈskɒtəs/ /ɪˈrɪdʒənə/; c. 815 – c. 877) was an Irish theologian, neoplatonist philosopher, and poet. He wrote a number of works, but is best known today, and had most influence in subsequent centuries, for having translated and made commentaries upon the work of Pseudo-Dionysius.
The spelling "Eriugena" is perhaps the most suitable surname form as he himself uses it in one manuscript. It means 'Ireland (Ériu)-born'. 'Scottus' in the Middle Ages was the Latin term for "Irish or Gaelic", so his name translates as "John, the Irish-born Gael." The spelling 'Scottus' has the authority of the early manuscripts until perhaps the 11th century. Occasionally he is also named 'Scottigena' ("Scot-born") in the manuscripts.
He is not to be confused with the later philosopher John Duns Scotus.
Johannes Scotus Eriugena was an Irishman, educated in Ireland. He moved to France (about 845) and took over the Palatine Academy at the invitation of Carolingian King Charles the Bald. He succeeded Alcuin of York (735–804) as head of the Palace School. The reputation of this school, part of the Carolingian Renaissance, seems to have increased greatly under Eriugena's leadership, and the philosopher himself was treated with indulgence by the king. Whereas Alcuin was a schoolmaster rather than a philosopher, Eriugena was a noted Greek scholar, a skill which, though rare at that time in Western Europe, was used in the learning tradition of Early and Medieval Ireland, as evidenced by the use of Greek script in medieval Irish manuscripts. He remained in France for at least thirty years, and it was almost certainly during this period that he wrote his various works.
Eriugena is an adjective meaning Ireland-born. It was typically used in the early Middle ages as a surname when it was common to distinguish people by labeling them according to where they were born or lived. It has been notably applied to the following philosophers;
In modern times it is often mistaken as a family name.
Individual characteristics, fatal birthing right, overpopulate
Inefficiency leads to misery, human circumstance
Deadly consequence
World we dominate, mass obliterate
Inhumanity breeds unconsciously, cosmic injury, Earth deformity,
World survival rate, man's uncertainty
Why can't you foresee it? Our future to be
Escape, it's too late, destiny, certainty, tragedy!
Counter measuring this atrocity, unintentional hell-bent accident
Biological life dysfunctional, mental stimulant, unintelligence
Man's diversity, disharmonious, past calamities unforgettable
Homosapiens inability, uninhabited man monstrosity
Set ourselves up for this, we reap what we sow
What more will you rape? How much will you kill?
Earth is bleeding
Pain, resurrecting truth, extinguishing love, domineering facts
We are truly fucked, nothing we can do, cataclysm time
Decimating time, indivisible time is steadfast change
Systematic change, periodic change, evolution
Screams and cries, planet dies, answers none, it's our fault
The way to hell is.....RIGHT HERE!!!
Ignore the truth, our fate, and let it be known
Helpless creatures are doomed to be extinct
Harbor our thoughts, our fears inside of ourselves
Unsure, oppressed, all right before our eyes
In time, ancient ruins will start to unfold
Shed light, gives clues, why nothing could survive
Demise awakes, steps forth, spits flames from it's mouth
Intent, destroy 'til nothing is alive
Mortal earth shell entombed, searing fire burning
Giving lifeless silence, pure everlasting death, true death
Desolate wasteland, hypocrisy
Plague the whole world with despair
Life is truly uncertain, death, true death
Unearthly abcess exploding, lazy in absurd denial
Massive adherent destruction
Death, absent-minded death, aggravated foolishly
Pain, adolescent death, agonizing atrophy
Life, visualizing hope, unrelenting mystery
Truth, resurrecting truth, reoccurring sanity, agony
Our own fate, uncontrollable mass hysteria
Illegitimate lack of reasoning, undeniably irresponsible
Uninhabited final resting place