Eriador is a large region in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional world of Middle-earth. The Shire, a land which became famous in the Third Age and again in modern times, was located in the central west of this region. The region was also called the Lone-lands, a translation of Eriador.
Originally Eriador was largely forested, but in the Second Age Dúnedain felled most of the forests to build ships. In the late Second Age and early Third Age, much of Eriador was encompassed by the kingdom of Arnor, which later split into the rival kingdoms of Rhudaur, Arthedain and Cardolan. The Shire occupied part of the former kingdom of Arthedain, while Bree and its neighbouring villages lie on the border with the former Cardolan. The Barrow-wights dwelt within ancient burial mounds which had been constructed in the First Age by the Edain as they journeyed to Beleriand. Other important places in Eriador were Rivendell, the Grey Havens and the abandoned kingdoms of Eregion and Angmar.
He found fate in his way
The only cause he fought for
He discovered the only thing
To loose his life
In the wild land of trees
Rivers and stories
Tell the believers to be afraid
Once upon a time
A story has been told
It recalls life itself. About dreams
A quest for glory
A world...
Where skies are blue
He fought with his heart
Agaiinst spells and sorceress
A brave man he is
Fighting for destiny