Ilych Sato, better known by his stage name Equipto, also known as Equip or Young Equip, is an American rapper and producer from San Francisco. He is best known for his Horns and Halos series with fellow rapper Andre Nickatina. He is also the founder of the groups 3 Shades of Rhythm, which consists of Equipto, P. Whaley & T.D., & Bored Stiff, whose members are Big Shawn (not to be confused with Big Sean), Dub Star, Equipto, Ike, Julz, Liel League, MIC, Mint Rock, P-Way, Priz & T.D.
Studio albums
Vintage Volume Won (1999)
Vintage Vol. 2: Like There's No Tomorrow (2000)
Vintage Vol. 3: It Hurts So Good (2002)
Cigarillos (2004)
Behind the Rhyme (2006)
4 Ever In A Day (2007)
On My Down Time (2008)
Profound (2010)
Ilyich (2011)
No Filter (2012)
Cigarillos EP (2004)
Million Dollar Remix Series Vol. 3: Resinated Raps (2012)
Selections From The Vintage Collection (2009)
with 3 Shades of Rhythm
Part One (22 Unreleased Recordings From 1990-92)
with Andre Nickatina
Midnight Machine Gun Rhymes and Alibis (2002)