Foreskin restoration
Foreskin restoration is the process of expanding the skin on the penis in an effort to regain the functional benefits of the foreskin, which may have been removed by circumcision. Foreskin restoration is primarily accomplished through non-surgical methods by expanding the residual skin to induce the growth of new skin tissue; however, surgical methods also exist.
Foreskin restoration can be attempted for several reasons, among them being a desire to create the appearance of a natural foreskin (prepuce) covering the glans, or to increase sexual sensitivity of the glans and the interior of the restored foreskin, or to reduce discomfort due to exposure of sensitive areas during everyday activities. Foreskin restoration techniques are most commonly undertaken by men who have been circumcised or who have sustained an injury, but are also used by men who desire a longer foreskin and by men who have phimosis. Bigelow lists:
Restoration of glanular sensation