Eochaid or Eochaidh (earlier Eochu or Eocho, sometimes Anglicised as Eochy or Haughey) is a popular medieval Irish and Scots Gaelic name deriving from Old Irish ech, horse, borne by a variety of historical and legendary figures.
shalala shalala shalala......
this world is incomplete without u....
ur way,,ur style...ur talks..n ur smile!!
evrythin is incomplete with out u.........
this wrld iz empty with out u.....
la lala la lala!!
evry thing is incomplete with out u..
ur way ur style...ur talks n ur smile..
simply makes it complete!!!!
i wan u to know my lyf was nothin before i met u..oooo but now it like evrythin evrythin...
i wan u 2 kn how imp u r 4 me yeah....
u r evrythin 2 me...
evrythin evrythin is incomplete without u..
i wan u 2 kn u r d 1 yeah u r d 1 whom i luv....
u gotta b somwhere far from me.....
yeah,somwhere far but i wanna c us 2gether .....
yaaa 2gether the next tym v meet......!!!