Military service is service by an individual or group in an army or other militia, whether as a chosen job or as a result of an involuntary draft (conscription). Some nations (e.g., Mexico) require a specific amount of military service from every citizen (except for special cases, such as physical or mental disorders or religious beliefs, and most countries that have conscription only conscript men). A nation with a fully volunteer military does not normally require mandatory military service from its citizens, unless it is faced with a recruitment crisis during a time of war.
In this summary, 195 countries are included.
The following nineteen countries have been identified as having no defence forces or as having no standing army but having very limited military forces:
The following 105 countries have been identified as having no enforced conscription:
The following ten countries and colonies have been identified as having both compulsory and voluntary military service:
He sailed the seas to Normandy
He had the maps laid out
He had a boat and had a sail
'Jack's Girl' on his arm
But no one sees the stars so bright
No one swims alone at night
I'm missin' him like a heart attack
And Neptune won't bring him back
He watches over me the onliest
He watches over me
He watches over me the onliest
He watches over me
Deepness of the waving tide
All the sea is saying goodbye
And the moon dips aloof at four
The sea doesn't keep score
Sweetness of the salty wind
Depth of love when it just begins
A pint for me and one for you
Say a toast with all who knew