Ene may be both a given name and a surname.
The suffix -ene is used in organic chemistry to form names of organic compounds where the -C=C- group has been attributed the highest priority according to the rules of organic nomenclature. Sometimes a number between hyphens is inserted before it to say that the double bond is between that atom and the atom with the next number up. This suffix is taken from the end of the word ethylene, which is the simplest alkene. The final "-e" disappears if it is followed by a suffix that starts with a vowel, e.g. "-enal" which is a compound that contains both a -C=C- bond and an aldehyde functional group. If the other suffix starts with a consonant or "y", the final "-e" remains, e.g. "-enediyne" (which has the "-ene" suffix and also the "-yne" suffix, for a compound with a double bond and two triple bonds.)
A Greek number prefix before the "-ene" indicates how many double bonds there are in the compound, e.g. butadiene.
The suffix "-ene" is also used in inorganic chemistry to indicate a one-atom thick two-dimensional layer of atoms, as in graphene, silicene, stanene, borophene, and germanene.
The Ene River (Spanish: Río Ene) is a Peruvian river on the eastern slopes of the South American Andes.
The Ene is formed at 12°15′45″S 73°58′30″W / 12.26250°S 73.97500°W / -12.26250; -73.97500 at the confluence of the Mantaro River and the Apurímac River, circa 400 m above sea level, where the three Peruvian Regions Junín, Cusco, and Ayacucho meet.
The river flows in a northwesterly direction at a total length of 180.6 km.
The Ene River is part of the headwaters of the Amazon River whose origin is at the Mismi south of Cuzco where it first becomes Apurímac River, then the Ene River and Tambo River before its waters meet the Ucayali River which later forms the Amazon.
At 11°09′39″S 74°14′48″W / 11.16083°S 74.24667°W / -11.16083; -74.24667 the Ene River joins the Perené River at the town Puerto Prado, 295 m above sea level, and is called the Tambo from then on.
The proposed 2,200-megawatt Pakitzapango hydroelectric dam would flood much of the Ene River valley.
The Ene is a Peruvian river on the eastern slopes of the Andes.
Ene or ENE may also refer to:
The domain name "name" is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) in the Domain Name System of the Internet. It is intended for use by individuals for representation of their personal name, nicknames, screen names, pseudonyms, or other types of identification labels.
The top-level domain was founded by Hakon Haugnes and Geir Rasmussen and initially delegated to Global Name Registry in 2001, and become fully operational in January 2002. Verisign was the outsourced operator for .name since the .name launch in 2002 and acquired Global Name Registry in 2008.
On the .name TLD, domains may be registered on the second level (john.name
) and the third level (john.doe.name
). It is also possible to register an e-mail address of the form [email protected]
. Such an e-mail address may have to be a forwarding account and require another e-mail address as the recipient address, or may be treated as a conventional email address (such as [email protected]
), depending on the registrar.
When a domain is registered on the third level (john.doe.name
), the second level (doe.name
in this case) is shared, and may not be registered by any individual. Other second level domains like johndoe.name
remain unaffected.
A name is a term used for identification. Names can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A personal name identifies, not necessarily uniquely, a specific individual human. The name of a specific entity is sometimes called a proper name (although that term has a philosophical meaning also) and is, when consisting of only one word, a proper noun. Other nouns are sometimes called "common names" or (obsolete) "general names". A name can be given to a person, place, or thing; for example, parents can give their child a name or scientist can give an element a name.
Caution must be exercised when translating, for there are ways that one language may prefer one type of name over another. A feudal naming habit is used sometimes in other languages: the French sometimes refer to Aristotle as "le Stagirite" from one spelling of his place of birth, and English speakers often refer to Shakespeare as "The Bard", recognizing him as a paragon writer of the language. Also, claims to preference or authority can be refuted: the British did not refer to Louis-Napoleon as Napoleon III during his rule.
An identifier is a name that identifies (that is, labels the identity of) either a unique object or a unique class of objects, where the "object" or class may be an idea, physical [countable] object (or class thereof), or physical [noncountable] substance (or class thereof). The abbreviation ID often refers to identity, identification (the process of identifying), or an identifier (that is, an instance of identification). An identifier may be a word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of those.
The words, numbers, letters, or symbols may follow an encoding system (wherein letters, digits, words, or symbols stand for (represent) ideas or longer names) or they may simply be arbitrary. When an identifier follows an encoding system, it is often referred to as a code or ID code. Identifiers that do not follow any encoding scheme are often said to be arbitrary IDs; they are arbitrarily assigned and have no greater meaning. (Sometimes identifiers are called "codes" even when they are actually arbitrary, whether because the speaker believes that they have deeper meaning or simply because he is speaking casually and imprecisely.)