Enda Marren (10 December 1934 – 8 March 2013) was a solicitor and a former member of the Irish Council of State. He was born in Killasser, Swinford, County Mayo, the son of Patrick Marren and Eileen Horkan. After a primary education at Knocks National School, where his parents were his teachers, he went to Rockwell College near Cashel, County Tipperary. He was a member of the Munster Schools Senior Cup-winning team in 1953. He attended University College Dublin, where he graduated with a BA and LL.B degrees before qualifying as a lawyer and being admitted to the Role of Solicitors at the Incorporated Law Society in 1958. The same year, he founded Martin E. Marren & Co., Solicitors and served as senior partner in the firm until 1996, when he was succeeded by his son, Paul.
Marren became involved with the Fine Gael party in Dublin during the 1960s, becoming a member of the National Executive. When Garret FitzGerald became leader of Fine Gael in 1977, he initiated a major modernisation programme. Marren became one of his close advisors and, together with Ted Nealon, Bill O'Herlihy, Pat Heneghan and Frank Flannery, brought flair, organisational skills and professionalism to the party. They became known as 'the National Handlers', a name given to them by Mayo-born journalist John Healy.
Letra y Música: Annette Moreno
Si viene a tocar a la puerta de tu corazón
una memoria de el pasado,
y te dice dejame entrar
te duele recordar de lo que te paso,
si solo fue tu inocencia la que causo este dolor
te lastima el corazón.
Ay! Por favor como duele un corazón
que lastimada tiene un ala y no puede
volar libre como quiere.
Hace un tiempo muy atrás que alguien sufrio por ti,
para poder perdonar
a los que te lastiman
si olvidar es lo que quieres,
aunque tú no puedas ya el pasado es el pasado
ya no vale la pena seguirlo recordando.
Ay! por favor si olvidar es lo que quieres
si dejas tu corazón, si dejas tu corazón
volar libre como quiere.
Ay! por favor como duele un corazón
que lastimada tiene un ala y no puede
volar libre como quiere,
si dejas tu corazón,
si dejas tu corazón
volar libre como quiere.