The Encyclopedia of Korean Culture is a Korean language encyclopedia published by the Academy of Korean Studies and DongBang Media Co. In 2001, the digital edition EncyKorea was published on CD-ROM and DVD. The articles in the encyclopedia are aimed at readers who want to know Korean culture and history, and were written by over 3,800 scholars and expert contributors—mainly associated with the Academy of Korean Studies. It is widely perceived as the most extensive encyclopedia of Korean studies.
You are so blind,
when you think you are prooved
against anything bad,
'cause your belief is so strong.
Where' s your saviour
for all incurable who fell sick ?
Where' s this damned god,
to which they all daily pray ?
Where' s this damned god ?
Day by day,
you' re searching for an excuse.
Day by day,
questions attack your godfearing soul:
"Is there a saviour ?
Is there something above all?
Is it existing -
this realm of immortal love ?"
The weird ways of existance -
are driving you mad !
The weird wys of existance -
are piercing your soul !
"When I am dead am I in heaven,
or am I in hell ?
Or is there nothing at all,
who is able to tell ?
The coffin, worms inside our flesh -
is that our destination ?
The rotten corpse inside a grave
led me to a hesitation !"
You are so blind,
when you think you are prooved
against anything bad,
'cause your belief is so strong.
Where' s your saviour
for all incurable who fell sick ?
Where' s this damned god,
to which they all daily pray ?