Enchi is a town in Ghana. It is the capital of Aowin district. Other main towns in the Aowin District include New Yakasi, Achimfo, Boinso, Jema, Omanpe, Sewum, Jensue, Yewabra, Nyankamum, Kwawu, Abochia, and Jomoro.
The current leaders include the paramount chief Nana (Odeneho) Brentu III, of Aowin, Nana Brentu of Suaman. The incumbent District Chief Executive is Hon. Oscar Ofori Larbi, the member of Parliament Mathais Ntow, whose term expires in December 2016. The mainline denominational churches include the Roman Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Anglican. Charismatic/Pentecostal churches include Church of Pentecost, Assemblies of God, New Covenant Family Church (West Africa), Higher Grounds Chapel (HGC ) and the Apostolic Church of Ghana. Several natives recently named as exemplary for the youth to emulate include Hon John Kwekucher Ackah,Former Member of Parliament, Prof. Richard Cudjoe, University of Cape Coast, Dr. Ackah Essuman, University of Cape Coast, Bishop Joseph Quainoo, first to be consecrated to the episcopate; Mr. Cobbinah, Rtd., Commissioner of Police; Dr. (Mrs) Mercy Nuamah, Ph.D.; Mrs. Victoria Aidoo-Afo, Principal of Enchi College of Educatio; Assistant Commissioner of Police Alex Quainoo, I/C Budget; Dr. S. B. Arthur; and several others.
Shoobi doobidoo... wapwap puwa...
Shoobi doobodoo... waw waw waw ooh...
Kan.hiay na panahon kini
Kinabuhi, murag almanakin
Silsil sa alimpatakan punto!
Dali makit.an ngano?
Kinsa! na unsa naka?
May pa man ta ganiha...
[refrain 1]
Unsa na ni!
Nalibog na ko
Asang partiha? (asa mang partiha?)
Natalang nata...
[refrain 2]
Gasipuk man nuon ni ang akong ulo
Gabang lajud pa jud ko
Ay wala! kinsang way nagmahal...
(beer pa day...)
Kinsa kaha makausab ni-ini?
Wala man unta ako'y sala
Nganong ako'y nag pas.an
Sa imong kalibutan?
Basin tungod myembro
Ako's katawhan...
[refrain 2]
[refrain 1]
[refrain 2]
Dungagi mi day!!
Dungagi, dungagi
Dungagi mi day...
Dungagan mi day...
Inday... inday...
Dungagi mi day...