Enchantment (1948) is a romantic film starring David Niven and Teresa Wright, directed by Irving Reis, produced by Samuel Goldwyn, and based on the novel Take Three Tenses by Rumer Godden.
In World War II London, a bold American servicewoman named Grizel Dane (Evelyn Keyes) pays a visit to her granduncle, aged General Sir Roland 'Rollo' Dane (David Niven), looking for a place to stay. At first reluctant to disturb his routine, Rollo soon gives in.
Interspersed flashbacks reveal the history of the Dane family. The first takes place when Rollo (Peter Miles) is a child. He and his older siblings, Selina and Pelham (Warwick Gregson), are introduced to Lark Ingoldsby (Gigi Perreau) by their father (Colin Keith-Johnston). He explains that her parents have been killed in a railway accident and that she will be living with them as a member of the family. Selina immediately resents the newcomer.
The second flashback occurs when the children have grown up. Roland's father has died, leaving Selina (played as an adult by Jayne Meadows) in charge of Lark (Teresa Wright), whom she treats more like a servant than a member of the family. Rollo (David Niven) returns on leave from the army. When Lark asks Pelham (Philip Friend) for a dress, the first that would not be a hand-me-down from Selina, he realizes that she is growing up and invites her to a dance. She becomes acquainted with the Marchese Guido De Laudi (Shepperd Strudwick), a business associate of Pelham's.
La luce delle stelle scintilla sul mare illumina il mio amore e riposa sulla scia che si posa su di te
La forza dell’alta marea mi spinge sulla tua spiaggia
E son prigioniero della tua bellezza, mi perdo affogando tra
le tue braccia come le onde si confondono nel mare
Io mi arrendo dentro te che sei il mio universo, il mio unico amore
Due occhi brillanti, profondi come il mare, incantano come sirene,
Hanno stregato il mio cuore e vuole solo te
Tu sei la mia splendida luna e illuminerai per sempre il mio mare
Son prigioniero della tua bellezza, mi perdo affogando tra
le tue braccia come le onde si confondono nel mare.
Io affondo dentro te: tu sei il mio universo, il mio unico amor’
Il mio unico amore
Il mio universo
Come le onde si confondono nel mare,
Io affondo dentro te; sei il mio universo