Emetophobia is an intense, phobia that causes overwhelming, intense anxiety pertaining to vomiting. This specific phobia can also include subcategories of what causes the anxiety, including a fear of vomiting in public, a fear of seeing vomit, a fear of watching the action of vomiting or fear of being nauseated. Even the thought of someone possibly vomiting can cause the phobic person to engage in extreme behaviors to escape the perceived (and sometimes very real) threat of that particular situation, in which the phobic person will go through great lengths to avoid even potential situations that could even be perceived as "threatening."
Given the fact that there are situations when this phobia and the phobic person's inherent "instinct" to escape and avoid that situation, this phobia could literally save that person's life by instinctively causing the phobic person to run away from an impending "plague" type situation, even intentionally avoiding an encampment where Ebola and other viruses are present, which just might be enough of an avoidance behavior to prevent that person from becoming ill or contracting a highly contagious, life-threatening virus through direct contact with others who are infected with the virus. Norovirus and related food borne viruses and bacteria are other situations the phobic person would avoid, if possible.
Dance with me baby, let me hear your voice
Oh if I didn't wanna fall for you I never had a choice
Smear the makeup on my face
run your fingers through my hair
I can not keep my heart from you and I don't even care
Yeah, you turn me inside out
You make me shake and I can't stop
You give new meaning to drop dead gorgeous
And I'm about to drop
You are a song to me
And every note of every chord will set me free
There's no time before you came along
Three cheers for the end of twenty one years
Nothing else is going wrong
Reverberate and complicate my evenings and my days
And I will only love you more
I will count the ways
Dance with me and when you see my pulse beneath my skin
It's racing now, I don't know how to hold the burning in
You've taken from me my defenses
My will is under attack
And baby when I wrap my arms around you
I feel the bones in your back
Oh yeah, your voice is like music
It's music to my ears