
Elms are deciduous and semi-deciduous trees comprising the genus Ulmus in the plant family Ulmaceae. The genus first appeared in the Miocene geological period about 20 million years ago, originating in what is now central Asia. These trees flourished and spread over most of the Northern Hemisphere, inhabiting the temperate and tropical-montane regions of North America and Eurasia, presently ranging southward across the Equator into Indonesia.

Elms are components of many kinds of natural forests. Moreover, during the 19th and early 20th centuries many species and cultivars were also planted as ornamental street, garden, and park trees in Europe, North America, and parts of the Southern Hemisphere, notably Australasia. Some individual elms reached great size and age. However, in recent decades, most mature elms of European or North American origin have died from Dutch elm disease, caused by a microfungus dispersed by bark beetles. In response, disease-resistant cultivars have been developed, capable of restoring the elm to forestry and landscaping.

Elm (programming language)

Elm is a functional programming language for declaratively creating web browser-based graphical user interfaces. Elm uses the functional reactive programming style and purely functional graphical layout to build user interface without any destructive updates.


Elm was designed by Evan Czaplicki as his thesis in 2012. The first release of Elm came with many examples and an online editor that made it easy to try out in a web browser. Evan Czaplicki joined Prezi in 2013 to work on Elm, and in 2016 moved to NoRedInk as an Open Source Engineer, also starting the Elm Software Foundation.

The initial implementation of the Elm compiler targets HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The set of core tools has continued to expand, now including a REPL,package manager, time-traveling debugger, and installers for Mac and Windows. Elm also has an ecosystem of community created libraries.


Elm has a small but expressive set of language constructs, including if-expressions, let-expressions, case-expressions, anonymous functions, and list interpolation. From there the key features include signals, immutability, static types, and interoperability with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.



Days Of Elijah

by: Ailua Mamea

These are the days of Elijah
Declaring the word of the Lord
And these are the days of your servant, Moses
Righteousness being restored
And though these are days of great trials
Of famine and darkness and sword
Still, we are the voice in the desert, crying
"Prepare ye the way of the Lord!"
Behold he comes, riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun, at the trumpet's call
So lift your voice, It's the year of Jubilee
And out of Zion's hill, salvation comes.
And these are the days of Ezekiel,
The dry bones becoming as flesh
And these are the days of your servant, David,
Rebuilding the temple of praise.
And these are the days of the harvest,
The fields are as white in the world.
And we are the laborers in Your vineyard,
Declaring the word of the Lord!
There's no God like Jehovah,
There's no God like Jehovah,
