Electrification is the process of powering by electricity and is usually associated with changing over from another power source. The broad meaning of the term, such as in the history of technology and economic history, usually applies to a region or national economy. Broadly speaking, electrification was the build out of the electrical generating and distribution systems which occurred in Britain, the United States, and other countries from the mid-1880s until around 1950 and is in progress in rural areas in some developing countries. This included the change over from line shaft and belt drive using steam engines and water power to electric motors.
The electrification of particular sectors of the economy is called by terms such as factory electrification, household electrification, rural electrification or railway electrification. It may also apply to changing industrial processes such as smelting, melting, separating or refining from coal or coke heating or chemical processes to some type of electric process such as electric arc furnace, electric induction or resistance heating or electrolysis or electrolytic separating.
Electrification is the construction of electric power distribution systems.
Electrification may also refer to:
Electrified is the fourth studio album from Denver quartet Dressy Bessy. The album was released on Transdreamer Records in June 2005.
All tracks written by Tammy Ealom
i'm electrified, i'm humoungonized
nothing's gonna get me down
in a world so vain, i can feel no pain
i'll take it to the second round
i'm electing you, be electric, too
tell me that you're doing fine
it's a natural high, don't you wonder why
let me be your power line
it's alright; it's alright
if you take the time maybe you will see
it's alright; it's alright
was it good for you; well it's good for me
i'm electrified
i'm Electrified, I'm adrenalized
taking changes one by one
and i don't need hate to control my fate
i just wanna have my fun
i'm electrified and my head's so wide
nothing's gonna get me down
in a world so vain i can take the pain
take it to the final round
it's alright; it's alright
if you take the time maybe you will see
it's alright; it's alright
was it good for you; well it's good for me
i'm electrified... i'm electrified...
get your hands out of your pockets
let the world into your head
don't you take away the passion
put it back instead
it's alright; it's alright
it's alright; it's alright
well it's good for me
i'm electrified
get your hands out of your pockets
let the world into your head
don't you take away the passion
put it back instead