Electric Warrior (comics)
Electric Warrior is an American comic book series, published by DC Comics in 1986 and 1987. Set outside the continuity of the DC Universe, the series was written by Doug Moench with artwork provided by Jim Baikie. A total of eighteen issues were published.
The series in set in a future where the rich (Elites) live in luxury, their lifestyles supported by an array of cybernetic devices and robots, while the poor (Zigs) are forced to struggle for their existence in the lower levels of the city. When one of the robot policemen, known as the Electric Warriors, or Leks, develops self-awareness, it begins to question the correctness of the social order and decides to help the Zigs. This robot is called 9-03, and it falls in love with a Zig crone called Kinsolving, whom he protects from any and all harm.
He then helps the Zigs by giving them food and supplies taken from the Elites up above.
At the same time, a man named Derek Two-Shadow is living in the forest with a tribe of natural born natives called Primmies. They have rejected all forms of modern technology. A female scholar, Quintana, is sent into the forest to live with the Primmies and study them. She gets to know Derek Two-Shadow, and learns of his history and life. He was born as a Zig, but escaped to the wilderness when he was still a child. One night, a group of genetic mutants (Genidiots) sneaks into the primmie camp to steal food. Quintana is startled to see one, and she shoots and kills three of them with her laser pistol. She did not know that the Genidiots were allowed to steal food in exchange for peace between the two factions. With the killing of the three intruders, the peace is broken and the Genidiots will attack. She offers her weapons to defend the village, but since this goes against the Primmie principle of rejecting technology, she is told to leave and never come back.