The fifth and final season of the HBO television series Boardwalk Empire premiered on September 7, 2014, and concluded on October 26, 2014, consisting of 8 episodes. The series was created by Terence Winter and based on the book Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times and Corruption of Atlantic City by Nelson Johnson. Set in Atlantic City, New Jersey, during the Prohibition era, the series stars Steve Buscemi as Enoch "Nucky" Thompson (based loosely on the historical Enoch "Nucky" Johnson), a political figure who rose to prominence and controlled Atlantic City, New Jersey, during the Prohibition period of the 1920s and early 1930s. The fifth season takes place between April and October 1931, seven years after the previous season, during the Great Depression, with flashbacks to 1884 and 1897 detailing Nucky's childhood and young adulthood. The fifth season was released on DVD and Blu-ray in region 1 on January 13, 2015.
HBO renewed Boardwalk Empire for a fifth season on September 26, 2013, and announced on January 9, 2014, that it would be the final season.
According to the song's composer Jeff Lynne "This song is where the dreamer wakes up to reality, then decides he likes his dream world better and tries to get back to Eldorado."
- Eldorado (remastered) liner notes by Jeff Lynne, 2001
The title track gained a certain notoriety when it was claimed by some Christian Fundamentalists that "Eldorado" contained some "satanic messages." Purportedly, the line in the song that went "Here it comes, another lonely day; Playing the game. I'll sail away; On a voyage of no return to see" was claimed to sound something like "He is the nasty one - Christ you're infernal - It is said we're dead men - Everyone who has the mark will live" when played backwards. Lynne denied these allegations, then further asserted his point to his accusers — in his typical tongue-in-cheek manner — by inserting an obviously and deliberately backmasked segment into ELO's next album (Face the Music), within the opening portions of the famous "Fire On High" track. He further satirised it by releasing an entire album strewn with backmasking.
In the city where the lights are pretty And the girls dance in the night... In the city, there's a dark, dark house Where no one dares to go... Oh, oh...
EldoradoGold Corp ... On Tuesday, Eldorado Gold shares eased 1.14% or 25 cents to $22.03 ... Eldorado delivered gold production of 520,293 ounces in 2024, including 196,538 ounces from the Lamaque Complex.
The narrative to the first half of Thursday night’s La Cueva-Eldorado boys basketball resembled the narrative of a hundred other halves between these two rivals through the years ...La Cueva claims victory over Eldorado.
Alors que les investissements directs �trangers se sont inscrits en recul de 8�% l'an dernier, les Etats-Unis ont capt� une grande partie des projets. Les investissements sur le sol am�ricain ont progress� de 10�% ....
ELDORADO — The ViennaEagles girls basketball team advanced to tonight’s championship game of the Eldorado Mid-Winter Classic after romping past Hamilton County, 54-39, in the semifinals held Monday ... .
Les ventes de produits pour barbe ont �t� dop�es par la crise du Covid. Le ��male grooming�� devient incontournable et de nombreuses entreprises sont engouffr�es dans la br�che ....
The Swiss Alps are attracting a growing number of Swiss as well as international investors, prepared to pump hundreds of millions of francs into the development of vast tourist complexes ... Hence its size," Bregy said ... .
MT. CARMEL — The GoldenAces varsity basketball squad defended their homecourt Saturday in a big bounce back win against the EldoradoEagles, 57-46 ... .