ЕКТА is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of LED video screens and business solutions based on LED technology in Eastern Europe. EKTA was founded in January 19, 1992 by a group of engineers with experience in business video equipment development. EKTA's high-tech LED-screen manufacturing facility EKTA-PROM is located in Zhytomyr (Ukraine). The central office of the managing company is located in Kiev. EKTA Vision GmbH located in Germany and is a foreign representation of EKTA.
Up to date among EKTA’s partners are: audio- and video distributor and integrator OPTIVISION; outdoor and indoor video-advertisement agency VideoTime as well as companies renting out EKTA-manufactured video screens - ЕКТАRENT (Ukraine), UTRAM (France), ПЛАЗМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ (Russia), EVENTECH (Estonia), Videoforce (Sweden), COMPELIA (Norway).
As stated on company’s official web page, EKTA’s mission is to achieve leadership in the field of visual technologies through innovations in business processes, technology, products, and recognizing the uniqueness of every employee.
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Shayan Chowdhury, (born 27 January, 1979) known as Arnob, is a Bangladeshi musician, singer and composer.
Arnab earned his master's degree from Vishwa Bharati University.
Arnob, Sahana Bajpaie and another artist Anusheh Anadil formed the band Bangla in Visva-Bharati. They started performing in Kolkata. Later he has released four solo albums and also worked with Prayer Hall. The debut album as a solo artist was Chaina Bhabish which included the acoustic version of the song Shey Je Boshe Achhe, followed by Hok Kolorob. This album was a compilation of songs Arnob had written during his years at Shantiniketan. This album also contains lyrics of Sahana Bajpaie and Taufiq Riaz.
Arnob released his third album Doob in April 2008. He worked with Sahana Bajpaie, Srabonti Narmeen Ali, Saad, the MAK, Zohad, Andrew, Idris Rahman, Fariha Kamal, Rajib Ashraf and others. Arnob released his fourth album "Rod Boleche Hobe" in October 2010. It is his 4th studio album and was released from his own music company "Adhkhana Music".