Ehretia acuminata
Ehretia acuminata is a deciduous tree found in Japan, China, Bhutan, Nepal, Laos, Vietnam, New Guinea and Australia. Fossil evidence suggests an ancient Laurasian origin. This group of plants spread to Australia and South America via Africa, when these continents were still joined.
Commonly known as Koda in Australia, Ehretia acuminata is a common tree found from near Bega in south east New South Wales to Cape York in far north eastern Australia. The Australian habitat is many different forms of rainforest, particularly near the margins or disturbed areas.
Ehretia acuminata is a medium to large size tree, occasionally reaching 30 metres in height and a 90 cm in trunk diameter.
The bark is a creamy, grey, with vertical fissures. Koda is often easily identified in winter being deciduous and of the characteristic flutings at the base of the trunk.
Leaves, flowers and fruit
The leaves are alternate and simple, tapering to a tip. Finely toothed. 8 to 13 cm long. Smooth and green on both surfaces, darker above. The midrib and lateral veins are distinct on both sides of the leaf, raised beneath.