Egomania is also known as an obsessive preoccupation with one's self and applies to someone who follows their own ungoverned impulses and is possessed by delusions of personal greatness and feels a lack of appreciation. Someone suffering from this extreme egocentric focus is an egomaniac. The condition is psychologically abnormal.
The term egomania is often used by laypersons in a pejorative fashion to describe an individual who is intolerably self-centred. The clinical condition that most resembles the popular conception of egomania is narcissistic personality disorder.
Egomania was brought into polemical prominence at the close of the 19th century by Max Nordau, the first critic who perceived the centrality of the concept of egoism for an understanding of Modernism...[with] his wholesale attacks on the ideology of "egomania"'. Nordau distinguished egoism - as 'a lack of amiability....The egoist is quite able to look after himself in life' - from the 'ego-maniac...who does not see things as they are, does not understand the world, and cannot take up a right attitude towards it'.
"Egomania" was the first episode of a 3-part documentary series on Channel 4 made by Firecracker Films about people who are diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
The other two parts of the series, called Mania, were called Pyromania and Erotomania.
The film was directed by Mark Soldinger and narrated by actor Bernard Hill.
The film was not well received by some critics.
Sam Wollaston from The Guardian referred to it as "an excuse to show some really nasty people and their behaviour on the television". Though he does feel the documentary improves towards the end: "When a contributor who has featured throughout, Sam Vaknin, reveals that he is a sufferer. And then we get to see him in action, the out-takes of the making of the film. . . swaggers around Camden Market in London, shouting at people, demanding money, as if he owns the place. Well, he does, so maybe it's OK."
However, Wollaston notes: "And anyway, Frank only displays three of the nine symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), so he's not even a proper egomaniac."
Egomania is the psychological condition of an egomaniac.
Egomania or Egomaniac may also refer to:
This is the song about YOU
OU ARE what you are. YOU ARE what YOU are.
YOU ARE rich by what YOU are. YOU - is it never enough?
How do YOU feel?
About poverty and misery life - is it never too rich?
And YOU, the mother of altruism come lend me your hand dream on your crazy storyboard.
I wish You all the best, forever..but leave me alone, for now
Or...hey-stop! Lick my wounds let's talk
and play the visionaire instead of a daily monopoly.
Let's share and help and run for others...
but very soon someone will let YOU down. I better stop the marathon of life
YOU let me down - YOU maniac!
Now I have enough, liar - I'm superior, I'm angry pitbull called kid
I write my own law, want oral sex all the time.
You, egomania, I feel YOU...YOU're coming, YOU come - I feel YOU hard!