The Education Specialist, also referred to as Educational Specialist, Specialist in Education, or Ed.S., is an advanced degree in the U.S. that is designed for individuals who wish to develop advanced knowledge and theory beyond the master's degree level, but may not wish to pursue a degree at the doctoral level. Advanced programs beyond the master's degree are designed to provide the necessary background and professional expertise for students planning to go into university teaching, supervisory or leadership roles in post secondary schools, curriculum planning, consultant work, or similar positions.
Since the course work in an Education Specialist degree is at an advanced graduate level many schools will transfer the credits earned directly into a doctoral degree (Ed.D., Doctor of Education).
In the K-12 arena, individuals who earn an Ed.S. degree seek to increase their skills for advanced licensure requirements (such as principalship), earn the credits needed for re-certification or other professional objectives. Others may pursue an Ed.S. degree in order to meet state or professional requirements for career advancement.