Education For All (EFA) is a global movement led by UNESCO (United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), aiming to meet the learning needs of all children, youth and adults by 2015.
UNESCO has been mandated to lead the movement and coordinate the international efforts to reach Education for All. Governments, development agencies, civil society, non-government organizations and the media are but some of the partners working toward reaching these goals.
The EFA goals also contribute to the global pursuit of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), especially MDG 2 on universal primary education and MDG 3 on gender equality in education, by 2015.
The Fast Track Initiative was set up to implement the EFA movement, aiming at "accelerating progress towards quality universal primary education".
UNESCO also produces the annual Education for All Global Monitoring Report. For further information, see UNESCO's website for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report:
In predicate logic, a universal quantification is a type of quantifier, a logical constant which is interpreted as "given any" or "for all". It expresses that a propositional function can be satisfied by every member of a domain of discourse. In other words, it is the predication of a property or relation to every member of the domain. It asserts that a predicate within the scope of a universal quantifier is true of every value of a predicate variable.
It is usually denoted by the turned A (∀) logical operator symbol, which, when used together with a predicate variable, is called a universal quantifier ("∀x", "∀(x)", or sometimes by "(x)" alone). Universal quantification is distinct from existential quantification ("there exists"), which asserts that the property or relation holds only for at least one member of the domain.
Quantification in general is covered in the article on quantification (logic). Symbols are encoded U+2200 ∀ FOR ALL (HTML ∀
· ∀
· as a mathematical symbol).
Hatred in your eyes is beauty in mine, you'll never see
it even if I try... I'll try. Oppression and pride is
felt from you and it fits you like a glove. Made to tell
this world, who we can and cannot love. Obligated to feel
repulsed from the books that surround you, brainwashed to
push on us your false image of sin and true. Have you
ever thought about living your life completely free and
real. Only to be spat and cursed upon for the things that
you feel. Before you speak think of the harm you have
behind your words. Idiots just speak with no regard for
the people that they hurt. And we throw your hate back to