Don Ed Hardy is an American Tattoo artist raised in Southern California. Hardy is best known for his tattoo work and his eponymous apparel and accessories brand Ed Hardy.
Hardy was born in 1945 in Costa Mesa, California. He attended the San Francisco Art Institute and graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in printmaking. Hardy was a student of Sailor Jerry Collins and, through his association, was able to study tattooing in Japan in 1973 with the Japanese classical tattoo master Horihide. He became recognized for incorporating Japanese tattoo aesthetics and technique into his American style work.
In 1982, Hardy and his wife formed Hardy Marks Publications. Under this marque, they began publishing the five-book series Tattootime. Hardy Marks has gone on to publish more than 25 books about alternative art, including catalogs of Hardy's work and that of Sailor Jerry Collins.
In 2000, he was appointed by Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown to the city's Cultural Arts Commission.
Well I was walking in the main land city
And I was feeling so alone
I was looking for someone or thing to remind me of my home
What I wouldn't give to have somebody nod or wink at me
Cause that's the way we say hello in my home down by the sea
We never say "hello" or "how's it going?", "good day" or any of that
We just look at them and nod our heads and wink say 'Whadd'ya At?'
Whadd'ya At? How's she going buddy, Whadd'ya At today?
Whadd'ya At? How's she going buddy, Whadd'ya At today?
But then I walked into a shopping mall and much to my surprise
An old friend from my hometown was a sight for my sore eyes
And of all the people I met down in the city or in the mall
I think I like my hometown friend the best one of them all
Because he didn't say "hello" or "hows it going today?" or any of that
My old friend he just looked at me and smiled said "Whadd'ya At?"
Let this be a lesson to all our people who go away
Remember if you meet someone the special words we say
We don't ever say "hello" or "how's it going?", "good day"
Or any of that.