Eco may refer to:
Ecology (from Greek: οἶκος, "house", or "environment"; -λογία, "study of") is the scientific analysis and study of interactions among organisms and their environment. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes biology, geography and Earth science. Ecology includes the study of interactions organisms have with each other, other organisms, and with abiotic components of their environment. Topics of interest to ecologists include the diversity, distribution, amount (biomass), and number (population) of particular organisms, as well as cooperation and competition between organisms, both within and among ecosystems. Ecosystems are composed of dynamically interacting parts including organisms, the communities they make up, and the non-living components of their environment. Ecosystem processes, such as primary production, pedogenesis, nutrient cycling, and various niche construction activities, regulate the flux of energy and matter through an environment. These processes are sustained by organisms with specific life history traits, and the variety of organisms is called biodiversity. Biodiversity, which refers to the varieties of species, genes, and ecosystems, enhances certain ecosystem services.
Eco is a wire-frame 3D evolution life simulation game developed by Denton Designs for the Amiga and Atari ST. It was released in 1988 and published by Ocean Software.
The player initially uses mouse or joystick to control an insect, which must avoid predators, find some food, and then find another insect of the same species and mate with it. The player can then unlock one of several "genes", altering the value of which changes their creature. Some changes are only cosmetic and leave the creature in the same species; others can, for instance, make the initial insect a new species with wings and capable of flight. After unlocking multiple genes the player can become a fast dog-like quadruped, a bird, a scorpion or a humanoid. The game does not end until the player starves, is killed by another creature, or deliberately "evolves" into a plant.
Elan or Élan may refer to:
Elán DeFan (born March 1, 1983 in Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, Mexico) is a recording artist, known for being one of the first Latin American female songwriters to begin her career with an English language album written completely on her own and the first independent artist from Latin America to have sold more than 1.7 millions copies of her music with her band which is also named ELAN, made up of Elán, lead vocalist and keyboard player, Jan Carlo DeFan, lead guitarist, co-producer and Elán's brother, childhood friend and bass player Carlos Padilla Maqueo, and younger cousin and drummer Michel "Cheech" Bitar DeFan and Mauricio "The Duck" Lopez.
Elán reveals an assortment of music that has been influenced by many artists like Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, John Lennon, Melissa Etheridge, and a few other notable influences. Elán had a notable success with albums like Street Child and London Express. So far, she released six albums: five in English and one in Spanish.
Elán was born March 1, 1983 in Tlaquepaque, Jalisco. Her love for music was noticed by her mother at a very young age. "One day, she just climbed up on the bench and started to play; that was the moment where it all began. She was three..." recalls her mother. At age 4, Elán starts writing her first songs and her father starts to record her songs in their makeshift-home studio. "She was always very determined in her writing even at such young age." Jan Carlo recalls. At age 10 Elán starts to perform at private parties and theatres. At age 13 Elán started recordings with a major record label, Warner Music Group in Mexico.
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game, the elan is a type of fictional creature for player characters to encounter. Players can also use the elan as a player character race.
The elan appeared in the third edition in the Expanded Psionics Handbook (2004). The Athasian elan appeared as a player character race for the Dark Sun setting in Dragon #319 (May 2004).
Elan are a race of aberrations with psionic powers. Originally human, they are changed into a new form by other elan. While still humanoid looking, they are immortal and able to sustain their bodies with psionic power instead of food and drink.
Som en gammal isbelupen drake ligger Jökeln tung
Och vitgrönraggig nedför branten mellan tvenne toppar
Stjärten lindad runtom högsta
Spetsen, buken spänd och stinn
I fjällets kittel, ryggen krönt av mittmoränens ås,
Svart och knöglig
Ner mot daln han sträcker långsmal nos med rynkigt
Skinn till läppar, vita tänder grina där imellan,
Genom Jökelportens svarta hål rinner ur hans
Gap en lerig ström
Taggig kam på hjässan, mörka grumligt gröngrå ögen -
Stelt han stirrar över dalen ner,
Trycker nosen vädrar mot
Marken mellan tassarna vars mörka klor
Skymta fram ur våt smutsgrå ragg
Småväxt ättling av sin jättestamfar, istidsdraken,
Fader Jökul själv - han som sträckte stjärten upp
Mot polen ramarna mot blockberg och ural,
Han som över fjäll och slätter vräkte sig,
Krälande och vältrande
Han som fyllde hav och sjöar,
Rev med klorna rispor I de hårda hällar
Gnagde klipporna och pressade
Bergen samman med sin tyngd
Ham som skövlade och lade öde sagoskogar,
Gröna paradis, blåste med iskall andedräkt bort